Antal | Produktnamn | á pris |
Summa | 0 kr |
D-serien kommer med en ledig design, med knallröda fotbrädor som säkert kommer att fånga din uppmärksamhet.
Observera att för eldrivna fordon utan pedaler är max effekt för bruk på allmän väg 250W och max tillåten toppfart 20 km/h. Elscootern måste ha fungerande bromsar och ringklocka. Är effekt eller maxfart högre får elscootern enbart brukas på inhägnat område. Kör du i mörker behövs fram- och baklyse samt reflex. Det är inte tillåtet att köra elsparkcykel på trottoar eller gångbana. Du får inte skjutsa någon på en elsparkcykel Ta reda på om du behöver komplettera med en olycksfallsförsäkring. Tryck här för att läsa mer hos Transportstyrelsen
The Segway-Ninebot Kickscooter D28E is an electric scooter from the leading brand Segway-Ninebot. This world famous brand is known for their short distance vehicles. More and more people see these products as a sustainable alternative for the car or moped. With this red Kickscooter you are sure to stand out. The top speed of the D28E is 25 km/h and you achieve a range up to 28 km with a fully charged battery. Furthermore, the scooter has 10 inch pneumatic tires which ensure a comfortable ride.
This electric scooter has front and rear lighting, including brake light. So you are also visible to the traffic around you at night. The lighting is easy to turn on and off via the dashboard. Here you can also read how much battery you have left, how fast you are driving and in what speed setting you are driving. The D28E has 3 speed settings: Eco, Standard and Sport Mode. Furthermore, this electric scooter has a double braking system: an electric front brake and a drum brake at the rear.
The Segway-Ninebot Kickscooter D28E has a double tubular frame in the shape of a triangle. This provides extra strength. This electric scooter is also easy to fold, so you can take it with you on the train or car. You can also connect this electric scooter to the Segway-Ninebot app. You can also connect this electric scooter via Bluetooth to the Segway-Ninebot app. When it is connected, you can view all kinds of data and change settings in the app.
Segway: Räckvidd (upp till) | 18 km |
Segway: Hastighet (upp till) | 25 km /h |
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